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Curriculum Definitions:

When collating this policy we have agreed the following definitions:

Intent – everything that happens in the curriculum up to the point of delivering it (before the teaching)

Implementation – everything that happens in the classroom (the teaching)

Impact – children knowing more, remembering more and understanding more (post teach)

Curriculum Intent

Mansfield Primary Academy Curriculum

Our Values

Throughout the core of our curriculum and experience as a pupil at Mansfield Primary Academy are our 3R’s (of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience). These are explicitly taught throughout the varied teaching and learning experiences. They are embedded within the curriculum we teach at Mansfield Primary Academy and are celebrated accordingly. These values underpin our actions and are always within our thoughts.

Respect: Respecting oneself and valuing people’s beliefs and diversity. Creating an environment of understanding and consideration of people’s feelings and property and to treat everyone fairly. 

Responsibility: Being a good citizen and being responsible for the choices we make; towards our education; other people and the environment.

Resilience: Learn to cope with challenges. Persevering to overcome an obstacle whether educational, personal or mental, as failure is one step closer to deeper learning.

Our pledge is to provide an academy that is a beacon of the community it serves with the objective of: ‘Growing confident and aspirational children’.   

The Curriculum

There is an enriched curriculum at Mansfield Primary Academy that is well sequenced through exciting themes built around a ‘driver question’ with hooks and experiences to provide a knowledge and skills-based provision.  This is designed through our GATE drivers to enable children to have the best possible outcomes.






To deliver a curriculum that:

  • Uses themes and topics, developed from the ‘Driver Question’. Each term an overarching ‘driver question’ shapes the learning sequence and allows for each individual lesson to have its own learning journey.
  • Is taught with fluidity in and across the subjects, with progression year on year using key milestones.
  • Has subject (knowledge, skills and vocabulary) progression of that allow children to revisit and review their learning.
  • Has lessons that encourage discussion opportunities to reflect on how being respectful, responsible and resilient are important not only for them, but the world community.
  • The drivers underpinning the curriculum are the same throughout each milestone allowing children to build upon knowledge to compare, contrast and articulate how decisions of the past, through actions by us in the present, leave a lasting legacy for the future.  


To succeed in learning by:

  • Children achieving well across the enriched Mansfield Primary Academy curriculum.
  • Children having respect for the immediate community and the wider world around them.
  • Children taking responsibility for their own learning and understand how decisions have consequences.
  • Children having resilience in their own character, by possessing an understanding the wider world around them.

The Academy ensures everyone has access to the full curriculum meeting both the SEND and equality Acts.  For more information on our curriculum, please contact the class teacher directly. Alternatively, SEND and equality information can also be found in the Parents and carers section.