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Reconnection Statement

The Reconnection Curriculum at Mansfield Primary Academy

Our curriculum is designed to follow the National Curriculum, support our local context and reflect our ethos and values, which are thread throughout.

Responsibility - Resilience - Respect


  • To reconnect with a love for learning.
  • To reconnect within friendships and relationships.
  • To reconnect with how their own lives link to the community and the wider world and to see the World through Someone Else’s eyes.


To reconnect with a love for learning:

  • Blocking of work to ensure more time on key concepts.
  • Lots of opportunities to investigate key questions.
  • A sense of achievement-using careful assessment and gap analysis to tailor lessons to meet the needs of the children.
  • Carefully scaffolded lessons to ensure all children can achieve at their level.
  • Catering for a range of learning styles
  • Ensuring sufficient time is taken to facilitate a deeper learning experience

To reconnect within friendships and relationships:

  • Carefully planned PE sessions to allow children to redevelop life skills.
  • Within our complementary curriculum before and after school clubs to support developing these values and to encourage children to be healthy and active outside of school.
  • Switch Up programme in partnership with Nottingham School of boxing to build teamwork.
  • Within lessons, have planned opportunities for partner/group work where children are pro-actively encouraged to communicate in full sentences and accurate tiered vocabulary.
  • Topic lessons build around a question to improve problem-solving skills.

Supporting children to understand their own lives and the wider world- to see the World through Someone Else’s eyes.

  • Religious Education sessions to support children to understand diversity in their own lives, the community and the wider world.
  • PSHE and RSHE taught using the Jigsaw schemes of work- to develop understanding of themselves and the wider world.
  • Switch Up - team building and life skills programme with bespoke mentoring and non-contact boxing sessions, which will support KS2 children to develop coping strategies and life skills, as they move towards transition to Secondary School.
  • ELSA - Initiative developed and supported by Educational psychologists - to support emotional needs so they can learn better and be happier.


To reconnect with a love for learning.

  • Children will enjoy coming to school and love their learning.
  • Children will make good progress.

To reconnect within friendships and relationships.

  • Children will be happy and settled in school.
  • Children will feel part of their class and the school community.
  • Children will apply the skills they use in sport to the wider school life
  • Children will further develop their language and communication skills.
  • Children will work together to solve problems across the curriculum.

To see the World through Someone Else’s eyes.

  • Improved capacity to learn wellbeing and mental health.
  • Children will learn to see the world through someone else’s eyes.
  • Children will understand diversity and be more accepting of difference.
  • To improve outcomes by increasing exposure to new experiences.