What's happening w/c 29.08.22

Things to remember week commencing 29th August 2022
Please see listed below a few pointers/reminders for the upcoming week:
1. Breakfast Club - have you booked your place/s required? Go to Facebook/Class Dojo/Groupcall messages to check for the latest form.
2. Dinners - have you booked your dinner choices for next week? - If not go to https://www.parentpay.com/ - remember you can pre-book dinner choices for a few weeks at a time.
3. Ties - if your child is moving to Year 5 this year you will need to purchase a tie. If you make payment in ParentPay before Tuesday 30th August, you can pop in to school between 10am and 1.00pm to collect your purchase. Please note all pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 are required to wear a school tie. Thank you.
4. Clubs - clubs will not be running until the first full week back to school - please look out for the messages next week to sign up and avoid disappointment.
5. Uniform - full uniform should be worn when we return. If you have any needs with regard support for uniform, please speak to your child's class teacher and this will be followed up for you.
6. Communication - a few staff will be around prior to your child returning to school, but please bear with us if you do not get an answer during holiday time. The best way to communicate during periods of closure is via email - admin@mansfieldprimaryacademy.org